Propagate from Root Cuttings
Step 2: Wash off all excess soil or growing medium from the roots.
Step 3: Trim off all fine or fibrous rootlets, leaving only the thick fleshy roots. Cut these into sections 5-10cm long in the case of thick roots and 7 – 12cm long if the roots are thin and wispy.
Step 4: Place these sections of root into a medium of equal parts of river sand and peat in a deep plastic tray.
Step 5: Cover the roots with the same growing medium (sand and peat) to a depth of 10 – 15mm. Firm down with a wooden stamper. Water well to allow the root cuttings to settle snuggly into the rooting medium.
Step 6: Place the tray of root cuttings into a propagating frame or store it in a shaded part of your garden. Keep it relatively dry until growth emerges. If the rooting medium is too damp the cuttings may rot.