
Making Waves


The striking pattern on this patio table and benches makes them especially appealing. It’s easier than you would think to make these ‘waves’, so pop down to your closest Builders and get set to start sawing.


Meranti pieces, measurements in mm
6 @ 1800 x 144 x 22 – tabletop
4 @ 1552 x 144 x 22 – bench tops
2 @ 1760 x 144 x 22 – bench legs
4 @ 720 x 44 x 44 – table legs
2 @ 1370 x 69 x 22 – table framework
3 @ 745 x 69 x 22 – table framework
4 @ 1320 x 68 x 20 – bench braces
4 @ 292 x 68 x 20 – bench braces
2 @ 251 x 52 x 20 – bench braces
2 @ 1360 x 44 x 44 – bench braces
Other materials
Lengths of 20 x 20 mm pine for cleats (approx. 7 metres)
Wood glue
50 full thread screws (40 x 35 mm)
20 oval wire nails
Meranti wood filler
1 litre Penetrating Polywax Sealer

Jigsaw, belt sander with sandpaper, brush, cordless drill with screw attachment, countersink bit, hammer, pencil and tape measure

Step 1: To create the waves and curves in the Meranti for the tabletop and the bench tops and legs, draw a curving line down the centre of each of the 12 Meranti pieces that are 144 mm wide, allowing at least a 40 mm margin from either edge. Cut along the lines using a jigsaw. Label each of the matching pieces so it will be easy to match them up later.


Step 2: Mark a wavy pattern on the edges of each of the 4 table legs, tapering off 100 mm from the top of each. Using the jigsaw, shape the legs.


Step 3: Using the belt sander, sand every shaped piece, softening all the edges slightly. Finish the sanding by hand.

Step 4: Make the tabletop frame, using the following pieces: 2 @ 1370 x 69 x 22 and 2 @ 745 x 69 x 22. Screw the long pieces into the ends of the short pieces creating a rectangle, reinforcing the joins with wood glue. To stabilise the frame, screw in and glue the last 745 x 69 x 22 piece midway between the two ends. Next, cut 8 sections from the pine for use as cleats: 2 @ 657 mm, 2 @ 705 mm, and 4 @ 630 mm. Screw and glue these pieces to the upper inside edges of all sections of the frame. Now attach the legs to the frame.

Step 5: Lay the 1800 x 144 x 22 Meranti planks on top of the table frame, in their matching pairs, leaving a 5 mm gap between the waves or each ‘wave’. Secure them to the table by gluing them to the frame and putting screws into them from underneath, through all the cleats. (See Figure 1 for a view of the underside of the completed table.)


Step 6: To make up the benches begin by cutting each of the ‘wavy’ 1760 mm-length pieces into 4 sections (of 440 mm each), making 8 pieces. Each leg consists of 2 of these sections. Use the 292 mm planks as crossbars (2 for each leg) – attach one across one end and the other.

The Gardener