
And the kitchen sink

Complete with the kitchen sink!

What you need Cutting list:
Pine cut to the following dimensions:

  • 4 x 44mm x 44mm x 880mm (legs)
  • 4 x 20mm x 70mm x 430mm (shelf supports)
  • 2 x 20mm x 70mm x 1620mm (shelf side supports)
  • 2 x 20mm x 70mm x 1800mm (top side supports)
  • 2 x 20mm x 70mm x 515mm (top end supports)
  • 2 x 20mm x 70mm x 515mm (top supports)
  • 3 x 20mm x 145mm x 1680mm (shelf)
  • 14 x 12mm x 94mm x 740mm (panelling)
  • 2 x 12mm x 50mm x 740mm (end centre panelling)
  • 1 x 20mm x 610mm x 1800mm (top)
  • 10 x 20mm x 20mm cleats (to fit between the top supports)
  • 1 x 480mm prep bowl
  • 1 kitchen sink mixer tap
  • 2 x ½-inch tap fi ttings
  • ½-inch to ½-inch straight male coupling
  • ¾ to ½ plastic reducer
  • 1½ to ¾ metal reducer
  • 2 x Gardena hosepipe fi ttings
  • Silicone
  • Wood glue
  • Wood filler (pine)
  • 1-litre Woodoc gloss exterior sealer
  • 16 x 8mm dowels for joints
  • 45mm cut screws
  • 50mm nails

Tape measure, pencil, sander, paint brush, hammer, sash clamps, circular saw, drill and 8mm drill bit, screwdriver bit, jigsaw

What you do
1 The first step is to assemble the two leg structures. Make a mark 120mm from one end of each leg. At this mark, join two legs together with a 430mm shelf support, using dowels and glue. Clamp in place.

2 Finish the leg assemblies by joining the opposite end with a 515mm top support, using glue and nails.

3 Next make the tabletop support. On the 1800mm x 70mm lengths, mark 50 0mm from each end. At these marks join the two 1800mm lengths with two 515mm supports.

4 Now join the two leg assemblies with the two 1620mm shelf supports. To do this use dowels and glue, lining up the supports with the end supports, 120mm from the base of the legs.

5 Fit the long tabletop supports to the top of the leg structures. Glue and screw them into place, flush with the edges of the leg structures.

6 Cut a rebate into the ends of the two outer 1680mm shelves, to fit around the legs. Use a jigsaw for this.

7 Fit the two outer shelves to the shelf supports, using glue and screws. Then fit the middle shelf into place, spacing it evenly from the two outer shelves. Once this is done, fit two more shelf supports under the shelves, regularly spaced. Screw and glue them in place.

8 Glue and nail the 740mm into place at the ends of the table. To do this, start with the two outside pieces, making them flush with the edges of the legs. Then work your way in, until you have a 50mm gap in the middle. Finish off the panelling with the two 50mm x 740mm pieces on either end.

9 At the back of the table fit the remaining six panel pieces, from one end.

10 With assistance, turn the table structure upside down and place it on the 610mm x 1800mm tabletop. Carefully centre it. Attach the tabletop to the leg structure using the 20mm x 20mm cleats, screwing the cleats to both the tabletop and the supports.

11 Turn the table right-way around. At the end of the tabletop, trace the size of the prep bowl.

12 Measure how far from the edge of the prep bowl you will need to cut. Draw a circle the correct size and cut it out with a jigsaw. Check that the prep bowl fi ts.

13 Drill a hole for the sink mixer, then fit it and the prep bowl, siliconing them in place.

14 Fill nail and screw holes with woodfiller and leave to dry. Sand the entire table and seal it.

15 On the prep bowl’s outlet, fit a 1½-inch to ¾-inch reducer, then a ¾-inch to ½-inch reducer, then a ½-inch to ½-inch male coupling followed by a ½-inch tap fitting. On the tap, fit a ½-inch tap fitting. Fit a length of hosepipe to a hosepipe fitting and clip it to the bowl’s outlet. When the table is in position and ready to use, clip your hosepipe to the tap. Your table is ready to use.

The Gardener