avo and cous cous

Grilled Avo and Cous Cous

Read in Afrikaans

To be honest, this one is more for showing off than anything else. This recipe could be easily executed without grilling the avocados but something about the geometric grill marks makes people ooh and ah. The salad in the centre of the avocados could also be used as a side on its own, but the avo and cous cous pairing makes it much more exciting.


1 avocado per 2 people
1 cup couscous
1/3 large cucumber
1 packet kalamata olives
1 bunch fresh mint
1 bunch fresh coriander
1 lemon
Feta to taste


Place the dry couscous in a large bowl and cook according to the instructions. Once cooked, fluff with a fork. Dice the cucumber and olives and add to the bowl. Chop the mint and coriander together and add to the bowl. Squeeze half a lemon over the ingredients and stir to combine. Sprinkle feta to taste.

Halve and pit the avocados, leaving the skin on. Brush with lemon juice and olive oil and place flesh side down on the braai for around 3 minutes. Stuff the void left by the avocado pip with 2 tablespoons of couscous mixture and serve with slices of the remaining half lemon. Delicious avo and cous cous.

The Gardener