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Buxom Buxus

February 19, 2018 1:24 pm Published by

Potted Plant Recipe Using Buxus The entrance to a home is much more welcoming when there’s a green focal point…


November 27, 2017 9:19 am Published by

Let your Garden Tell you the Time A classical sundial makes the perfect focal point in any garden. What you…


Buxus Sempervirens

November 15, 2017 12:08 pm Published by

Box, Boxwood, Little Leaf Boxwood Formal gardens have been fashionable around the world since the times of early civilisations and…

Unique Water Feature

November 8, 2017 4:28 pm Published by

Build your own tiered water feature using pots with the same design, but in three different sizes, for a unique…

Rhamnus prinoides

January 14, 2016 8:32 am Published by

Dogwood or Blinkblaar Rhamnus prinoides are bushy with shiny dark green foliage. Its small greenish, insect-attracting flowers are followed by fleshy…

Build a Concrete Bench

November 26, 2014 8:18 am Published by

A secluded spot, out of direct sunlight, is the perfect place for a garden bench. A well-placed concrete bench invites…