

There are few places in South Africa where cymbidiums won’t grow. They are tough and can handle fair amounts of cold, even with some light frost. The plants can even handle hot summers. It was always thought that cymbidiums couldn’t be grown and flower along South Africa’s east coast, but with careful selection you can find a few cymbidiums that will even flower in places like Richards Bay.

Cymbidiums are part of the orchid family. They have oval to rounded pseudobulbs that sit just above the substrate, and long grass-like leaves that arch towards the tip. The flowers come in a range of different sizes and may be carried on upright, arching or even pendant stems. In general, the miniature and intermediate type of cymbidium hybrids are the first ones to start flowering during autumn. The biggest group of cymbidiums tend to flower during winter, and in spring the large-flowered hybrids as well as the pendulous types start flowering. Cymbidiums are popular as pot plants as well as for the use in the cut-flower trade, and the long-lasting flowers will keep just as long if cut and placed in water in the home as they would on the plant.

Reasons to love cymbidiums:

  • They are easy to grow and will flower even without much attention.
  • Cymbidiums have long-lasting flowers in a range of colours, shapes and sizes.
  • Most of them flower during winter to brighten up those cold days.

Cymbidiums are very rewarding and in many cases flower with great consistency even with a lot of neglect and sub- optimal growing conditions. If you treat your cymbidiums a little better, though, you will just have so much more reward.

What conditions do they prefer?


Cymbidiums need bright light. A few hours of direct morning light followed by some dappled light in the garden is best. If you grow your plants in a shade house, make sure to grow them under 50 – 60% shade.

Potting medium

Ensure that the potting medium you use drains well, but still maintains some moisture around the roots. These plants do thrive if kept fairly moist during the growing season.


Regular feeding during the growing season will ensure lovely plump pseudobulbs, and therefore good flowering.

To help your cymbidium flower well, use a food designed for flowering orchids. You can feed them with flowering orchid food from when they starts setting buds until after they have finished flowering. In South Africa, this is generally from April to October. Once your cymbidium has finished flowering, you can feed with a plant food for growing orchids.

Indoors or outdoors?

You can temporarily bring your flowering cymbidiums indoors in order to enjoy the flowers. However, it is not recommended to have them as permanent houseplants as they require a temperature differential in order to flower. This is explained below.

If you are looking for Orchids that can be grown indoors, see this article.


Most cymbidiums require a temperature differential. They need a difference of about 10°C between the day and night temperatures while the process of flowering is initiated. This is usually January or February in South Africa. If the plants are placed on paving or directly adjacent to a stone/concrete wall this will be difficult to achieve with the residual heat that has been built up during the day and is given off during the night. This is also why it is best for them to grow outdoors as opposed to indoors.

Air Movement

Good air movement is vital. This will not only help with the temperature difference to initiate flowering, but will also help prevent pests and diseases. Avoid putting your cymbidium plants in a corner or placing them too close together – allow for some air movement between plants.

Repotting Cymbidiums

Cymbidiums like to be pot-bound, so they only need re-potting every three to four years. You can do this in early summer after they are finished flowering.

If you choose your plants right, you could have cymbidiums in flower all the way from April until October (with the odd species and hybrid even flowering in summer). So the next time you see a yellow cymbidium flowering in May, don’t say, “Oh, that’s flowering early. Mine usually flowers in September!” Instead appreciate that it is a different plant, and you could also have one flowering in May as well and so lengthen your season of cymbidium enjoyment.

For trusted information about orchids, visit plantae.co.za

The Gardener