
Endless Summer Hydrangeas

One of the most popular mophead varieties, Hydrangea macrophylla is grown for its stunning blooms in colours ranging from blue to pink, purple, white and even red. Plants in the ‘Endless Summer’ range are referred to as ‘reblooming hydrangeas’ and are the first hydrangeas introduced that bloom on new as well as old wood. As the name suggests, in the right climate, they will produce flowers for an endless summer from early summer and sometimes right through autumn.

Look out for the varieties ‘Endless Summer Blushing Bride’ for pure white blooms, and new kids on the block, ‘Endless Summer Bloomstar’, for vivid rose-pink or purple flowers depending on the pH of the soil.

These hydrangeas prefer a nutrient-rich, well-draining soil in a position that receives morning sun and dappled afternoon shade. The pH levels and aluminium content in the soil will determine the colour of the blooms of the pink and blue varieties while the white will remain white. Water well throughout the growing season – they like to be kept moist but not waterlogged.

They are compact and neat and often don’t require pruning at all, but just a tidy up to remove any diseased or damaged branches. Cut off any spent blooms to the first group of buds or prune back more vigorously after flowering in summer if the plant needs reshaping.

There is a large range of hydrangeas grown by Malanseuns Pleasure Plants and available from Plantland Garden Centres and other nurseries in South Africa.

The Gardener