
Rosemary Bath Smoothie

Herb Project: Rosemary Bath Smoothie

A long, soaking bath is one of the rituals of winter. A strong infusion of rosemary added to the bathwater revives the body – especially easing tired and aching muscles. Take the pampering one step further by making a bath smoothie.
You will need: rosemary, coarse sea salt, and oil (grape seed, olive or avocado oil).
Step 1: Pick fresh rosemary, strip the leaves from the stems, and place in a blender. Add 2 cups of water, or more if needed.
Step 2: Add 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt, 2 tablespoons of oil, and blend together.
Step 3: After blending, strain or squeeze it through a cloth, into a sealable glass container.
Step 4: Don’t discard the mixture in the cloth. Tie the corners together with a piece of string, and hang it under the hot-water tap whilst running the bath.
Step 5: Add the strained mixture to the bathwater when needed.

The Gardener