
Divide and Repot Aloes

If you have a pretty aloe like this ‘Twice as Nice’ hybrid, you’ll know that can become congested with ‘pups’, especially if it has been left to grow. Pups are young aloes that form around the base of the older plant. You can divide these up and repot them in their own pots, giving them the space to thrive.

This little dwarf aloe loves growing in a container and can produce striking red and white bi-coloured flower for as long as three months. It’s really easy to divide and repot aloes once you know what to do, follow our steps below.

To divide and repot aloes you need:

  • A wide, shallow bowl
  • Large stones
  • Potting soil
  • Fine grit
  • EcoBuz Humigro soil conditioner
  • Some medium stones

Do this:

  1. Dig up the plant and cut off old flower stalks and leaves.
  2. Gently pry the pups apart.
  3. Prune back each pup’s roots.
  4. Place a layer of large stones in the bottom of the pot, for good drainage. Mix some fine grit and Humigro (according to instructions on the package) with the potting soil and fill up the bowl.
  5. Plant the pups and mulch with a layer of decorative medium stones.
  6. Water well.

READ MORE: Learn about the difference compact aloe varieties.

The Gardener