Why would a florist need insurance for their flower shop?
There is constant debate around when insurance is vital. Although many entrepreneurs consider business insurance, they often think that they can get away with not insuring their business’s assets or their company’s vehicles with car insurance. And this happens more frequently if their company is small. Whether you’ve just started with a few employees or you’ve been in the ‘game’ for many years – having insurance is essential!
Just as your flower orders and purchases have unique arrangements to suit your customers, so do you, as a professional florist, have specialised business insurance needs that differ from those of other small businesses.
As a florist you face risks such as the safety of customers visiting your shop, weather-related mishaps that might delay or damage important orders, damage to or theft of your business vehicles, and other challenges.
Have you thought about insuring your florist business to keep it blooming? Here are some key business insurance products to consider:
- Business Interruption cover: Imagine a pipe bursts down the road, and your shop’s water supply is cut off until the municipality repairs the damaged pipe. You may have to start turning away your walk-in customers! Having your business’s operations interrupted is a huge inconvenience, not to mention a costly one as your turnover is affected. Having Business Interruption insurance covers you for the financial losses you may suffer due to an interruption in business resulting from a covered incident.
- Goods in Transit cover: In case of loss of or damage to floral arrangements while they are being delivered to a customer, or stock being transported to your shop, get Goods in Transit cover for peace of mind.
- Public Liability cover: What if a customer trips on the way into your shop to pick up an order? Public Liability insurance cover helps to protect your business in case of accidents such as these.
- Electronic and specialised equipment cover: Your refrigeration units and floral containers, flowers and business computers are just a few examples of equipment that can be expensive to repair or replace if they’re damaged or stolen. And can you imagine the stress that comes with that? This type of contents cover may help you recover the cost in case of a loss such as theft or a fire.
- Business vehicle cover: As a florist, your delivery vehicle is vital to your business so it is important to make sure it is protected. Business vehicle insurance covers the vehicles you use for business purposes in case of accidents, hijackings, vandalism or other.
Of course, no two florists – or flower shops – are exactly alike. To customise your insurance cover for your particular small business, talk to MiWay about business insurance! The covered causes of loss will be noted on your Coversheet so make sure you go through it to understand what you are covered for.
Apply for an insurance quote so you can save money and continue to live your way while flourishing as a florist!