carex everillo

Enduring Everillo

Plant this colour-rich ornamental grass to lighten and brighten your surrounds.

Everillo is a highly decorative grass-like ground-cover with narrow, arching, lime-green leaves that gradually turn golden yellow in the warmer months. It flowers rather inconspicuously with brown flower spikes in summer, but they are not the reason why we love this versatile ornamental grass so much. Its best attribute is that it can be used to illuminate shady areas, or to add great contrast and texture to sunny spots with its lovely foliage colour. Mature size about 50 x 50cm.

Botanical name: Carex oshimensis ‘EverColor Everillo’ Common name: Japanese sedge Origin: Carex oshimensis is native to Honshu Island, Japan, and is a member of the family Cyperaceae. ‘Everillo’ is a cultivar of it.

Uses for the Everillo:

  • If planted along the edge of a raised area or pathway, the fountain-like growth habit and soft foliage will spill over and soften the hard landscaping.
  • Perfect for mass planting around any focal point, like a statue, bird bath or any other garden sculpture, to highlight it.
  • Lovely choice to plant near water elements or dry, stone stream beds.
  • Perfect when paired with plants with bold or dark foliage.
  • Even one plant in a pot can be a real eye-catcher!

Growing notes

  • Will grow anywhere, even in cold climates with frost, although it will not be happy in very harsh or very dry, sunbaked spots.
  • Best position is morning sun and afternoon shade, although full sun will be tolerated but can affect leaf colour.
  • Medium water requirements.
  • Plant in compost-enriched, well-draining soil and feed with a nitrogen-rich fertiliser in spring.
  • Divide overgrown clumps in spring

Companion plants

Everillo combines well with grey- or dark-leaved succulents (that also like less sun), as well as perennials with eye-catching flowers or bold leaves.

Our choices of Everillo

Aeonium Aeonium aboreum ‘Atropurpureum’ is a robust, multi-stemmed succulent with small, dense rosettes of dark maroon leaves and bright green centres.

Curio ficoides (Synonym: Senecio ficoides) also known as big chalk sticks, this succulent has steel-blue stems and wax-coated, steelblue leaves resembling fat fingers. Can grow up to 1m high with a 2 – 3m spread.

Alternanthera ‘Purple Prince‘ offers a dark colour contrast in a sunny spot, with a lush carpet of burgundypurple leaves with rosy undersides. Mature size about 40 x 50cm.

Limonium perezii (statice) is an evergreen perennial forming a rosette of large leathery leaves. The year-round flowers are large clusters of bi-colour blooms in blue and white and are supported on stems up to 60cm tall.

The Gardener