
Hebenstretia dura

Cat’s Tail


Hebenstretia Dura (family: Scrophulariaceae) is found from the Eastern Cape to the Northern Province. It is a hardy perennial shrub that reaches from 30 to 60 cm in height and has serrated leaves with a crown at the tips.

It flowers all summer, bearing striking spikes of white flowers that have a pinkish-orange centre. With its waving white flowering stems, it is an excellent choice for a lovely summer display, either planted directly in the garden or in pots.

It is also attractive as an edging or border and combines well with Anchusa Capensis Blue and Lasiospermum Bipinnatum (Wild Chamomile). It should be pruned after flowering to encourage new growth. Hebenstretia Dura grows in sun or semi-shade and likes well-drained soil. There are 40 species of Hebenstretia found throughout southern and tropical Africa.

The Gardener