carpenter's caddy

DIY Carpenter’s Caddy

A carpenter’s caddy, with its classic lines and functionality, can be used for more than just tools. Follow these easy steps to make your own caddy to use at home, or on the job.

Cutting list

1 x 1.8m x 22mm x 144mm plank of PAR pine cut to the following lengths:
2 x 400mm (side pieces)
2 x 280mm (end pieces)
1 x 356mm (base piece)

To Make Your Carpenter’s Caddy You will need:

22mm dowel
Wood glue
3.5 x 40mm screws
Wood filler
Stain and sealer


Scraper, pencil, paintbrush, tape measure, clamp, screw pilot, 22mm spade bit, cordless drill, jigsaw, sander

  1. Mark the two end pieces. To do this, measure 144mm from the base of one end piece and make a mark. Repeat on the other side. Measure 50mm from each side at the top. Draw diagonal lines from these marks to the first ones. Now measure 35mm from the top in the centre and make a mark for the dowel hole. Cut the wood along the diagonal lines with the jigsaw and drill the centre hole using the 22mm spade bit.
  1. Measure and mark all the pilot holes and predrill these with the screw pilot.
  1. Begin assembly by fastening the two end pieces to the base by applying wood glue, clamping the timber together and using screws.
  1. Repeat this process for the side pieces.
  1. Cut the dowel stick to the desired length (about 430mm) and slide it into position. Fill the holes in all the timber with wood filler.
  1. Sand all the wood.
  1. Stain and seal, or paint with wood primer and paint in the colour of your choice.
Add ice and it becomes a cooler, use it for condiments for a picnic, or add your favourite plants and make it into a planter.
The Gardener