
Green in-between – Window Box Makeover

To give an old window box a quick make-over paint it white and plant it up with a simple but pretty combination of green leaves and cool white flowers.

window box makeover

Gather Together for your Window Box

• 2 x SALVIA Farinacea ‘Cirrus’ (Dwarf Salvia)
• 1 x DIANELLA Revoluta ‘Little Rev’™
• 4 x CUPHEA Mexicana ‘White Wonder’ var. Snow (False Heather)
• 1 x punnet of pure white Pansies (when we planted up this window box Pansies were not yet available. If you battle to find them now, then use a punnet of white Petunias instead).

Pot Tips

• While painting the pot ensure that the drainage holes are properly open as they tend to clog up over time.
• To stop potting soil from falling through drainage holes place weed control fabric, closely woven shade cloth or even a strip of pantyhose over the holes.

More about the Plants

1. Salvia Farinacea ‘Cirrus’ is classified as a perennial but it is better to use it as an annual and plant fresh stock every year. It begins to look tired after a long summer and can lose most of its ‘flower power’. Cirrus will grow 30 to 40cm high and will produce white stems with silver-coloured flower spikes that bear small white flowers. Plant it in full sun.

window box white flowers

2. Dianella Revoluta ‘Little Rev’™ is a flax-like, compact, clump-forming plant with strappy blue-grey foliage. Hardy and tolerant of coastal conditions, it grows in both full sun and shade and reaches a height of 30 to 40cm.

3. Cuphea Mexicana ‘White Wonder’ var. Snow is a lovely rounded shrub with small, dense leaves and small white flowers. This little sun-lover will flower non-stop from spring to autumn and grows 30 to 40cm tall.

window box green in-between

4. Pansies flower from spring to early summer; they will usually last until December by which time they will have to be replaced with other annuals. Petunias are typical summer flowering annuals and great for pots. Plant them in full sun and remove the dead flowers diligently to stretch their flowering season into late autumn.

The Gardener