Make A Succulent Christmas Tree
For a Christmas tree with a twist, try your hand at our choice of one that is easy to care for, eye-catching, and simple to make.
Looking for something different for a Christmas tree this year? Something that’s a little creative, a little quirky, but also easy on the purse? Our succulent Christmas tree is just the answer.
You will need:
Sphagnum moss, oasis blocks (enough to build a pyramid of your size), chicken mesh, cable ties, bread knife, U-shaped hair pins, pot or tray filled with sand or pebbles and succulents.
To make:
1. Cut the roots off the succulents leaving most of the stem. They will root later after the festive season, so this is not a problem.
2. Soak enough oasis blocks and stack on top of each other, placing them horizontally to form an upright rectangle. Using a bread knife, cut away corners to shape into a tall pyramid.
3. For extra support, wrap the pyramid with chicken wire and tie ends together with cable ties.
4. Start placing succulents from the bottom, pushing stems through the wire holes. Fill gaps with sphagnum moss and baubles and secure with hair pins.
5. Add an optional string of miniature Christmas baubles for added bling.
- Make the tree-shape with chicken wire folded in on itself and fill with moss or coconut coir. Fill with succulents as normal.
- Use a cone-shape made with green floral foam (oasis) that you can buy from florists or flower supply companies. Soak the cone for a few minutes before setting in a bowl, then simply press in the succulents. Some may need securing with floral wire.
- Use a polystyrene cone as the base, and cold glue, to stick succulents interspersed with moss onto the outside. Fill in with small pinecones or berries to make it festive.
- Metal cone frames, if you can find them, are another alternative to make a tree. Line the inside with landscape fabric and fill with the moss. To add the succulents, cut holes into the fabric to place and fill in with extra moss to cover the structure.
Tip: Once the festive season is over, remove all the succulents and place on sheets of newspaper to root so that they can be planted again for use the next year.