Suited for the Boot

Make a fun boot rack feature to store the family wellies.
What to Buy
Meranti cutting list:
4 pieces 76 x 76 x 550mm
1 piece 350 x 350 x 22mm
1 piece 300 x 300 x 22mm
8 dowel sticks (400 x 22mm)
4 full-thread cut screws
(4 x 30mm)
2 full-thread cut screws
(4 x 75mm)
Woodoc 30 exterior sealer
A selection of coloured paint
Wood glue
What Tools to Use
Wood clamps
Electric drill
Electric planer
Belt sander
Jig saw
22mm speed bit
Step 1: Glue the 4 long meranti pieces (76 x 76 x 550mm) together forming a 152 x 152 mm square block pole. Clamp them tightly together and leave to dry for at least 24 hours.

Step 2: Draw a 150mm diameter circle on the bottom of the block pole and a 110mm circle at the top. With the electric planer, shape the block to form a round pole tapering from the bigger diameter to the smaller diameter. Sand the pole with the belt sander until it is smooth and round.

Step 3: Stand the pole upright and drill holes into it to accommodate the dowels. These holes should be at a 45 degree angle and must be 22mm wide and about 40mm deep.

Step 4: To form the base, cut circles in the two meranti boards, one with a diameter of 350 mm, the other with a diameter of 300 mm, and sandwich them together using the 4 x 30mm full-thread screws, making sure the centres match up perfectly. Attach the pole to the base using the two longer screws from the bottom.

Step 5: Make sure all the wood is sanded to a smooth finish before applying two coats of Woodoc 30 exterior sealer, allowing drying time between coats.

Step 6: Paint each dowel a different colour and once dry, insert them into the holes on the pole. Boot rack complete!