The X-Factor Stool

Inspired by the 50s X-base design, our Top Team makes versatile stools for an urban patio with this X-Factor stool.
The bold design of this 50s inspired slat bench will suit any urban patio. The crossed legs allow for maximum stability, especially when used outdoors or on an uneven surface. This timeless, X-based design is among some of the oldest designs in formal seating. You may want to use yours as a pull-up seat, foot rest or side table.
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32 x 32 mm Meranti battens cut to the following lengths:
12 x 550 mm
12 x 360 mm
6 Stainless steel dome nuts
1 x 1 000 x 12 mm wood dowel
2 x 1 000 x 10 mm steel threaded bar
X-Factor Stool: TOP Tools
Spreader clamps, tape measure, back saw, combination square set, pencil, level, electric hammer drill, 10 mm and 12 mm wood drill bits, sand paper and sanding block

1: Measure and cut 12 x 550 mm slats for the crossed legs, with a 35 degree parallel angle on each end.

2: Cut 12 x 360 mm seat slats with a 35 degree opposing angle on each end of the slats. The inside length will be 300 mm after cutting.
3: Lay the leg slats length-ways against each other, lined up evenly, and clamp them together. Find the centre of the leg slats and mark where the threaded bar will be inserted to hold them together at the cross-point. Then find and mark 16 mm from either end of the slats (see Fig A), first for where the dowel will be inserted at the base end and second, for where the threaded bar will be inserted at the seat end.
4: Similarly, lay the seat slats together and clamp them. Find and mark 16 mm from one end where the threaded bar will be inserted.

5: Drill a 10 mm hole through each piece of leg and seat slat where it is marked for the threaded bar. Then drill a 12 mm hole for the 2 dowels at the base of each set of leg slats.

6: Sand all the sharp edges and the sides to a smooth finish.

7: Place the legs alongside each other with opposing angles facing and insert the threaded bar through the centre. Cut a section from the threaded bar to match the width of the aligned leg slats, plus 5 mm on each end to allow for the attachment the dome nuts. Cut two more threaded bar sections to the same length. These will be used to join the top ends of the two sets of crossed legs to the seat slats.

8: Now divide the leg slats into two sets, alternating left and right and insert the seat slats in between to align with the pre-drilled holes.
9: Insert the three threaded bars through the leg and seat slats and close loosely with the dome nuts.

10: Insert the dowels and tap gently until in place. Cut the dowels flush with the outside leg.

11: Place wood glue on the inside edges of the seat slats then tighten the dome nuts and clamp the end pieces to secure them in place. All the slats of the seat should be flush. Once the glue has dried, sand the seat smooth and seal with polywax wood sealer. You now have your very own X-Factor stool.