
Trendy Retread Tyres


Upcycle your old tyres to liven up a garden wall, easily, quickly and to great effect. Recycling takes a stylish turn.

What you will Need
3 old tyres
PVA paint (choose the colour for your tyres)
3 x 640 mm ladder brackets
6 x 80 mm nail-in anchors (screw and plug)
Potting soil

Drill and 10 mm masonry drill bit, trowel, bucket, paintbrush


1. Drill holes in the bottom of the tyre. These will allow drainage from the soil within the tyre, after planting-up.


2. Wash the tyre and paint them with two coats of PVA. Allow them to dry.


3 Plan where you want each tyre to go and mark the positions. Drill two holes in the wall for each ladder bracket. Secure the ladder brackets to the wall using masonry plugs and screws.

4 Fill the bottom of each tyre with potting soil until it overflows, then plant them up. For our hanging tyres we used a selection of ferns, fuchsias and plectranthus.

The Gardener