Indoor Fern Care

Pteridomania (Fern Fever) seems to have returned with the recent boom in indoor plant popularity. Ferns can be seen on every corner, but somehow they still carry the reputation of being hard to keep alive. Ferns are definitely not invincible but sticking to the following few guidelines can make sure your ferns thrive for many years.
Ancient history
Ferns accompany mosses on the short list of ancient plants called Pteridophyta, going back millions of years (over 350 million) and even predating the dinosaurs. Their abundance made them central to the diet of many herbivores, and it turns out you can eat them too. Considered a gourmet delicacy in some parts of the world, ‘fern fiddleheads’ are the edible parts of some species of ferns harvested when they are shoots, with curled tips that look just like the top of a fiddle. Not all ferns are edible though, and some can be quite toxic, so don’t go foraging in your garden for just any frond. Some say fiddleheads taste like a mix between asparagus and spinach but have their own distinct flavour profile you just have to try for yourself.
Since ferns are typically known to come from dark jungle floors, it would follow that your indoor fern would thrive in the darkest corner of the room. This is not the case. In the wild, ferns get dappled light, so will struggle without a good amount of light in your home. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent burnt leaves. Avoid placing near drafts or aircon as that tends to dry them out quickly and prevent the humid environment that ferns desperately need. .
READ MORE: A beginner’s guide to indoor plants
Ferns love moisture and need a humid environment to thrive. Bathrooms and kitchens are therefore perfect, but there are a few ways to increase the humidity yourself. Instead of investing in a humidifier (unless you already own one), place your fern on a tray filled with pebbles and fill with water to create a humid environment around the plant. Make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the pot, as ferns do not like sitting in water. Alternatively, place your fern in a spot you pass often and leave a decorative misting bottle nearby to quickly spray once every day or two.
Ferns need to be watered often as they like moisture, but be sure not to overwater or leave the pot sitting in water or the roots will rot. In summer, water thoroughly every 3 – 5 days and every 7 – 10 days in winter. To avoid forgetting to water your ferns, place them near a sink and quickly run the pot under some water after washing the dishes or brushing your teeth. When using a watering can, make sure to get through the bushy leaves to the soil to soak it.
Fern Care
Feed your ferns liquid fertiliser every two weeks by adding fertiliser to your watering can according to package instructions, and watering normally.
Dust off the leaves often by running them under the shower or wiping them down to keep them clean and clear the soil of any debris or dead leaves.
Regularly remove any dead leaves to promote new growth, and if the fern is really struggling, cut back all the leaves to the same height to keep the new growth uniform.
Indoor Ferns
Join in the Fern Fever this year by collecting a few, mastering fern care, and perhaps attempting to grow a few of your own. Look out for these ferns at your local garden centre:
Asparagus plumosa (asparagus fern)
Asplenium nidus (bird’s nest fern)
Adiantum (maindenhair fern)
Pteris cretica (ribbon fern)
Pteris straminea
Davalia fejeensis (rabbit’s foot fern)
READ MORE: Indoor plant troubleshooting guide
Did you know?
Before microscopes, the reproductive cycle of the fern was a mystery because it produced no flowers. It was only once ferns were closely studied under microscopes that the tiny spores were discovered. Each spore is a single-cell organism, and each fern has millions of spores that have to go through a few other life-cycle stages before forming leaves and becoming true ferns.