Lawn Edgings

A beautiful lawn is the envy of many a gardener. One of the most important aspects of a lush, neat lawn is a well-defined edge where the lawn borders the garden, driveway, paving or buildings. During the quieter late autumn and winter period, try and improve the overall impression of your garden by neatening the edges of your lawn. There are numerous different methods of achieving this important task. Here are some options that may inspire you into action.
1. Neat and even curved edges are created by using strips of galvanised metal sheeting buried in the ground. This ensures that the lawn grass cannot grow into the surrounding pebbles, rocks or flowerbeds. Edging the grass is simple and efficient as mechanical line trimmers can cut right against the metal protruding above the ground level.

2. Face bricks cemented in a straight, level line form a substantial edging and contrast attractively with the green lawn and grey and white plants in the flowerbed. This works well in formal garden designs. Make sure that the brick edge is buried sufficiently to prevent lawnmower blades from catching the edging.

3. This attractive combination edging has a metal strip containing decorative pebbles between the lawn and a raised wall capped with pavers. The pebbles lend a contrasting texture and aid with drainage.

4. Raised, walled gardens also form natural and effective edges to the lawn. The lush green lawn creates the perfect frame for the beautiful roses billowing from this well-maintained garden.

5. A border of agapanthus providing the growing edge to a lawn area. As long as the lawn is allowed to grow up close to the plants, the edge is not noticeable. If there is a marked scar from constantly digging the edge of the lawn away from the plants then the entire garden is compromised. Try and steer clear from this ‘old-fashioned’ lawn edging.