
December Lawn Care Tips

If you are spending the holidays at home, chances are good that you are going to want the greenest and softest grass in the neighbourhood.

It is possible to fast-track this mission within a month, with fertiliser, water and some elbow grease.

Repair what is wrong

Fill hollows with fine compost or clean river sand and repair bumps which turn brown after mowing because the lawn is not completely level. Dig out sods in those areas, remove some soil and replace on the same level as the rest of the lawn. Tamp down well with a spade.

Do not use ordinary garden soil as filling or levelling material. It can cause bad drainage or could be infested with dormant weed seed. For best results, use a weed-free and sterilised commercial lawn dressing. Lawn dressing also helps to incorporate organics back into the soil, improving its structure and stimulating microbial activity as well as invigorates new lawn growth.

If your lawn becomes totally waterlogged very easily, this can easily be solved by installing ground drainage systems. These systems are available in kit form at hardware stores such as Builders, and work to channel the water away into shrub beds.

Tackle the worst weeds

Remove large, stubborn weeds with a daisy grubber. If you still have a bad weed problem, wait until two weeks after fertilising before applying a selective weedkiller for broad-leaved weeds. Follow the instructions on the box for best results.

Note: Lawn weeds are mostly annual plants. A well-fed lawn can usually outgrow and smother them unless they are allowed to set seed or to grow out of hand.

Feed for fast results

Your next step is feeding the lawn and there are quick-release or slow-release lawn fertilisers to use. Since you need a fast result, use a nitrogen-rich booster to green it up quickly with a fast grow spike of top growth. Keep strictly to the recommended dose printed on the bag and water the lawn well the day before you are going to apply the fertiliser.

If you can, it’s best to stick to a regular fertilising program throughout summer. A well-fed lawn can withstand weed and pest infestation much better than a neglected one can.

Note: Water thoroughly and immediately after feeding. If you are working on a big lawn and with a hosepipe and a sprinkler, fertilise an area, mark the place with string (you will forget where you’ve stopped) and water well before moving on to another area.

The Gardener