Rose Tasks For December
If you need help with your roses, here is a quick guide of tasks you can do to take care of your roses in December.
- If it is hot and dry, water your roses deeply at least twice a week. Bear in mind that 15mm of rainfall is the equivalent of one watering, so factor that in during rainy periods.
- Remember to keep deadheading your roses. This encourages new sprouting.
- Fertilise your roses towards the middle of December.
- Should there be extended rainy weather, spray your roses with Chronos or Rose Protector from Ludwig’s Roses to prevent black spot.
- Control aphids and other small pests as well as light infestations of red spider mite using an organic insect spray. Remember to spray under the leaves as well.
- If you will be away for two weeks or more, pinch off the tips of young shoots and buds. This reduces the need for water and will delay flowering until you return. You can spray your roses with Chronos and Ludwig’s Insect Spray before you go away to protect your plants against insects, red spider mite and black spot.
Vita Organic Fertiliser
You can fertilise your roses using Vita Organic Fertiliser from Talborne Organics. Sprinkle 150g Vita Grow 2:3:2(16) around root zone per rose to condition roots and grow a sturdy, healthy structure. After 4 months sprinkle 100g of Vita Fruit & Flower 3:1:5(18) per rose and repeat this again 4 months later.
Remember that roses need phosphate and calcium to grow strong roots and structure. Nitrogen and high potassium levels strengthen plant cells and stimulate flowers.