
Sizzling Summer Flowers

Daisy power

For the strongest flower power in a daisy, plant Leucanthemum ‘Daisy May’. This shasta daisy has large, snow-white flowers that cover the bush and bloom for longer than other daisies, often all summer long. All they need is regular deadheading for continued flowering, full sun, average to fertile soil and regular watering. They are perfect for pots and stunning mass planted in a garden bed.

Add a true blue

For a plant that blooms continuously from spring through summer, you can’t go wrong with blue-flowering Evolvulus ‘Blue My Mind’. This award-winning plant has silver-green foliage and is extremely heat-tolerant. Plant in full sun for the best flowers and once established it’s drought-tolerant although it does better with regular watering. Give it a good dose of compost and slowrelease fertiliser when planting in the ground or in a container.

Stop for a lemon squash

Cuphea hyssopifolia ‘Lemon Squash’ has just the right coloured foliage to pair with white daisies and blue dwarf morning glory. It’s a compact plant with golden foliage that can be trimmed and shaped into low hedges or clipped into a ball in a container. It has tiny amethyst flowers and performs at its best with regular watering and a sunny position.

The world’s most popular rose

The ‘Burgundy Iceberg’ rose needs no introduction. Known for their winter-hardiness, ‘Iceberg’ roses are popular as bush floribunda and particularly as standards. The white ‘Iceberg’ rose was inducted into the Rose Hall of Fame in 1983. Since then a lovely pink colour and then the eye-catching burgundy were bred, and subsequently introduced to our local market by Keith Kirsten. These fragrant roses bloom most of the year and will grow equally well in cold winter gardens and in temperate climates. A mass of ‘Burgundy Icebergs’ standing in a nursery is hard to resist.

All these plants are from Keith Kirsten’s plant collection. Visit www.keithkirsten.com for more plants in the directory.

The Gardener