Aloe pruinosa (Kleinaalwyn)
Type: Succulent groundcover, 70cm.
Form: Short stem with spotted, toothed leaves.
Flowers: Dusty pink tubular flowers covered with ‘waxy’ white bloom, on single branched inflorescence, from February to March.
Why plant it? This aloe is one of the few to enjoy semi-shaded conditions, making it useful when you want to introduce a bit of subtle colour into these ‘difficult’ areas of your garden. Mass plant it as a groundcover under trees which cast light shade, or place it at the margin of your shrubbery as long as it receives only morning sun. Try combining it aloe with other shade-loving low groundcovers like Plectranthus verticillatus (Money Plant). Most aloes flower in winter but this one flowers in summer, yet another reason to prize it. Another unusual quality is its pink flowers (most aloe flowers range from orange to red), which have a curious waxy bloom on them. Found Naturally in thicket and forest understorey.