
Polygala virgate  

Purple broom

Polygala virgate  

Slender, with a wonderful mop of purple flowers, there is space for a trio of these even in a pocket size garden. Maximum height is 2 m with hardly any spread – you can literally tuck them in anywhere. They are truly a joy in the garden although they only last a couple of years, they flower continuously during that time. In the meantime lots of ‘happy accidents’ – baby Polygalas, pop up all over. They are easily transplanted when small – you’ll have so many you will be giving them away! The sprays last well in the vase and are very pretty, with individual flowers opening in succession up the flowering stem. Each velvety bloom is gorgeous with 2 butterfly like wings and a little purple beard. Purple broom occurs almost throughout the country, in grassland and forest margins. It tolerates moderate frost, and enjoys full sun.

The Gardener