December 2, 2019 11:52 amCitrinus Little John, Bottlebrush, Hot Pink, Endeavour A beginner gardener who cannot decide which flowering shrub to buy, won’t regret…
Citrinus Little John, Bottlebrush, Hot Pink, Endeavour A beginner gardener who cannot decide which flowering shrub to buy, won’t regret…
Sticks of Fire In nature Euphorbia Tirucalli often forms almost indestructible thickets which made it a popular hedge plant around…
Jade Plant The Crassula Ovata, or Jade Plant is an upright-growing, multiple-branched, shrubby succulent that can grow up to 2m…
African Daisy, Gousblom, Silver Arctotis, Kusgousblom Arctotis is a fairly large genus of about sixty species within the daisy family…
Kalanchoes are a succulent group of plants that are tough, heat resistant and low maintenance. Most suitable climate for Kalanchoes…
Spider Flower Grevillea Lanigera ‘Mount Tamboritha’, or Spider Flower, is an utterly charming, low-growing shrub that copes perfectly in a…
Common Coral Tree, Lucky Bean Tree Erythrina Lysistemon, the Common Coral Tree, is deciduous, but it has the delightful habit of…
Weeping Anthericum Type: Groundcover, 50cm.Form: Like tufts of wispy grass.Flowers: Little white ‘stars’ arranged along erect stalks, from September to…