Garden Galleria – September 2023
Celebrate the arrival of spring with the latest gardening news and views in this month’s Garden Galleria.
For the perfect edge
Achieving that perfect garden edge has never been easier. PermaEdge garden edging is a durable, flexible and versatile solution to the edging of garden beds, lawn areas, tree rings, pathways and more!
An emerald tomato for summer
The new F1 hybrid Tomato ‘Emerald’ has just been released by MayFord Seeds for sowing this spring for a summer harvest. This tomato has uniform fruit of good quality on an excellent yielding plant that matures early (60 – 65 days after transplanting) and is also perfect for sauces and salsa. ‘Emerald’ has blocky fruit on plants with good leaf cover which protects the fruit exposed to the sun, and they have intermediate resistance to bacterial wilt disease.
Basil Blue Spice
MayFord has a new aromatic herb seed complementing their range called Basil Blue Spice. The description ‘aromatic’ comes from the word arõma via Latin from Greek meaning ‘seasoning, spicy and/or fragrant smell’. In vegetables and herbs, aromatic varieties add flavour and aroma to a dish. When cooked together, these ingredients help create layers of flavour in your food. Some aromatics are sweet, while others are pungent or astringent. Basil Blue Spice makes for an especially fine appearance in pots or in the garden, and the heavy fragrance with spicy vanilla overtones is great for both fruit salads and savoury dishes.
Feeding leafy plants
A healthy green lawn complements any garden. Protek’s Lawn & Foliage Fertilizer 7:1:3 (15%) can be used to promote a lush, healthy lawn, which minimises weed and pest problems. It is high in nitrogen (N), which promotes healthy, green upper growth. It can also be used to feed any leafy plants in your garden.