How To Split Up Daylilies
Wondering how to split up daylilies (Hemerocallis)? We know that clumping perennials start losing their vigour when the clumps become too congested. This means it’s time to divide and replant! Replanting works well on a mild day in May in temperate climates.
Here is a Step By Step Guide on how to split up daylilies:
- Dig up a clump without damaging the roots too much.
- Shake off the soil and wash the roots in a bucket full of clean water. You will now be able to see the possible division easily.
- Pull the clump apart, and if necessary divide it further into smaller pieces. Do this by uing a sharp knife to cut them loose. Remember to not make the splits too small.
- Prune off any excess and old roots and cut the leaves shorter making each split the same size. This will prevent replanting stress. It will also ensure that the new divisions will grow lushly in the following growth season.
- Before you replant the divisions, add compost and bonemeal to the soil. Then work it into a fine tilth.
- Water deeply after planting.

READ MORE: Keen to learn more about daylilies? Click here